Kitchen Encyclopedia Wikia

Kitchen is an fanon animated series dedicated for offensive satire that is only played for laughs NOT hate. Sensitive users beware. <hero description="Kitchen is an American animated sitcom, created by Son of Hat that is broadcast on MTV and various other channels around the world. The series began in 1999 and is on its nineteenth season with a total of 316 episodes at seasons end, one movie and 29 shorts. The series revolves mainly around four anthropomorphic food children; Bucket Head, Pants, Chuck, and Macles, . The show has also caused a number of controversies and had a huge censorship over the years. It is banned in some countries and is known for its offensive satire and violent scenes." imagename="" cropposition=""></hero>

Welcome to the Kitchen Encyclopedia Wikia

Kitchen is an American animated sitcom, created by Son of Hat that is broadcast on MTV and various other channels around the world. The series began in 1999 and is on its nineteenth season with a total of 316 episodes at seasons end, one movie and 29 shorts. The series revolves mainly around four anthropomorphic food children; Bucket Head, Pants, Chuck, and Macles, . The show has also caused a number of controversies and had a huge censorship over the years. It is banned in some countries and is known for its offensive satire and violent scenes.



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